Many thanks to all who are supporting the blog, and for helping this community grow. We honestly hope you are enjoying the content, and visit the blog daily to see what is new. We continue to gain more great contributors, we have fantastic partners with Wheel Collectors
Nonetheless, we continue to grow, and want to reward those that are supporting the blog. Following us on Facebook is the best way to know when there is something new on the blog, and we want to keep the number growing.
So we are announcing a new contest today, and it is a little different than the last two. This time, the key is to follow us on Facebook, and to watch the posts there. We have selected some secret numbers, and when we hit that many Likes on Facebook, a drawing will kick in. We will put a post showing the prize, and everyone that Likes that post within the time given will be eligible to win. At the end, we draw a winner from those Likes.
It is that easy. Just pay attention to our Facebook page, and be ready to give the post a Like when it goes up. In case you are worried, the time period will never be shorter than 12 hours, and will most likely be 24 hours. We have followers in every time zone, and want to give everyone a fair shot at winning.
Wondering about the prizes? Well, there will be a few. One time it might be Hot Wheels regular Treasure Hunt, others might be a special club Matchbox model. There will be a Scale-Master custom at one point. And many others.
But somewhere before 1200 Likes it will be this:
2012 M.C. Gathering of Friends Classic Seagrave Fire Engine dealer exclusive
This rare model sold out at the Gathering in minutes, and is fetching hefty prices in the secondary market. The Seagrave is easily the most popular 2012 Matchbox new model among collectors, and this one is at the top of their lists. It was graciously donated by Jim Gallegos, and it is going to one of our followers soon.
So be prepared to Like the contest post on Facebook whenever it goes up. We will post a pic of the prize, and how long the window is open. All you have to do is Like the post.
And invite your collector friends to join us on Facebook. The quicker we grow, the more prizes we give away...
Thanks again to all!
Our Facebook page: