Before I even start, you know what I like best about this model? These words: "Walmart Exclusive Bugatti Veyron." Think about what a great and utterly unexpected combination of words that is.
Moving on...
For some reason the HW Bugatti Veyron has enjoyed a surge in popularity of late. Ebay prices on all HW Veyrons has skyrocketed, and this red version might be the most sought after. It is hard to pinpoint why. Some models do increase in value over time, while others end up in common piles. Why this one is now worth somewhere between 15 and 30 times its store value is hard to figure out. The real car is legendary, the casting will no longer be made due to the ending of the license, and when it was in the store it was definitely the cheapest Bugatti you could buy. Whatever the reason, the demand stays very high, and it shows no sign of wearing down.
The Walmart Exclusive in red goes the top of many most wanted lists because it is probably the most rare (only sold at Walmart), and arguably the most attractive. The satin red, not blemished by any other design other than headlight and rear tampos, is beautiful. The casting is not a particularly nice casting, considering the look of the real thing, but it looks best here. If you want to pursue this casting, I would suggest finding this red one first.
HW Walmart Exclusive Bugatti Veyron: