DLMer's view of the two newest Matchbox 5-packs found in the US...

For our readers in Australia and Europe, I realize this is VERY old news in your area.  The US has been several months behind on Matchbox 5-packs for two years now, and there does not seem to be any change in sight.
So, for our US followers, here are DLM photos of the two latest 5-packs in the US, both found at Walmart Friday.

Pack #4 - Desert Adventure

1. MB767 Quick Sander

2. MB819 Coyote 500

3. MB781 Rock Shocker

4. MB716 Ridge Raider

5. MB723 VW Beetle 4x4

Pack #5 - Beach Rescue

1. MB519 Hovercraft

2. MB605 Ford Explorer Sport Trac

3. MB422 White Water Raft & Trailer

4. MB429 Dune Buggy

5. MB486 Jeep Wrangler w/luggage

From a collector point of view, not the most exciting set of packs.  There is not a single model I will add to the collection.  I think the upcoming Police pack will be far more popular with collectors (and the general public alike).
So it may be a couple of months before we see the latest packs, which we reported a couple of weeks ago found in Australia.  When they do appear here, you can bet we will give them the Lamley photo treatment.
You can always see the listing of 5-packs and all other 2012 Matchbox vehicles on the MCCH Catalog.  I will have all the updates up there shortly...
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