Dear All,
Mattel has provided information regarding the 2012 Real Working Rigs Line.
As usual, please feel free to pass this list to your club members, fellow collectors, post it on various web sites; the more the better. However, please make sure to provide all credit to Mattel for sharing this information with us.
2012 Real Working Rigs
There will be 19 Real Working Rigs for 2012. This includes two models that were originally slated for 2011 but due to timing, they are now part of 2012 Line up. In addition, there will be six new tools for 2012. This means 11 tools are from the prior years will be released as either new colors or new liveries.
Here is the complete list of 2012 Real Working Rigs:
1. Vacuum Septic Truck (From the 2011 Line)
2. 2009 GMC C Series Tree Trimming Truck (From the 2011 Line)
3. Excavator
4. Road Grader
5. Farm Sprayer
6. E-1 Mobile Command Center
7. Oshkosh HEMTT A4
8. Bulldozer
9. Buffalo Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle
10. Satellite Communication Truck
11. JCB Articulated Dump Truck
12. Abrams A1 Tank
13. Case Combine Harvester with Harvesting Head attachment
14. Stryker M1128 MGS (New for 2012)
15. Tracked Missile Launcher (New for 2012)
16. All Terrain Tractor (New for 2012)
17. Off Road Fire Truck (New for 2012)
18. Police Tactical Vehicle (New for 2012)
19. Jungle Expedition Truck (New for 2012)
The following six tools, that were part of the original plan, have been dropped from the 2012 line.
1. Mid Mount Ladder Fire Truck
2. Scraper
3. Compactor Dozer
4. Mining Dump Truck
5. Desert Adventure Truck
6. Snow Adventure Truck
Stay tuned for another email shortly with more updates from Mattel.
Happy Hunting.