The Lamley Group.
Welcome. This is blog run by the Lamley Group. The reason you should save this and visit often is because we will post photos of diecast cars. Mainly photos we have taken. Mainly photos we have taken of Mattel diecast cars. That means Matchbox. It also means Hot Wheels.
We of the Lamley Group are a little specific in what we collect. DT only collects Matchbox. Don't even ask about other brands. I, jtl, with few exceptions, collect Mattel models produced in the last few years, with a focus on supercars, sports cars, and imports from both sides of the pond.
Come often. I will try to keep it interesting...
In the meantime, head over to the links. I manage the MCCH Catalog, which documents all Matchbox models and variations from the last few years. I try and keep it as thorough as possible.
In case you are asking - DLM - Diecast Liberation Movement